The current version of the program is available for download here.
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Keynote speakers
List of confirmed keynote speakers
Presentation guidelines
A set of information for poster and oral presenters is available here. It will be updated with further indications (video format, computer/software availability, etc.).
Poster printing service
A third-party poster printing and delivery service is available. Your poster will be printed, delivered to the venue and mounted on the display board for you for the beginning of the conference. For the submission procedure and prices, please refer to this document.
Scientific topics (click on the topic's title for more details)
I. Efficient and multi-functional forage production on sown grasslands
II. Improving sown grasslands and their management for future challenges
III. Molecular genetics and genomics for improved breeding of forages
IV. New methods and technologies to assess plant traits, swards and forages
V. Breeding for future grassland challenges
VI. Plant-soil-microbe interactions in multi-species grasslands
VII. Collaboration between practice and research for practical advances